catalogue of filters
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Last up-to-date 11 June 2024

The present catalogue replaces any previous edition.
Our products are not original: numbers and applications of vehicle or motor manufacturers, when available, are only to be used to ease any part finding and search, nothing to do with the product originality.
All names and trademarks shown are property of the legitimate owners, used here only to give examples.
The present catalogue is the result of a constant research and development activity aiming at easily and rapidly find the demanded article, however the constant proposal of new applications and articles by vehicle and motor manufacturers as well as industrial applications make the catalogue contents neither complete nor binding. Any change by manufacturers after the present data processing catalogue would only risk of being confusing it is therefore useful to verify with cross reference or dimensions filter's correspondence.
For more information, get in touch with our technical department.
While constantly aiming at improving our quality standard while more and more making our products suitable to any new technical and production innovations, we reserve ourselves the right to change the present filter models with no need for notice.
FM Filter Monza is not liable at all for damages depending on the wrong or incorrect use of its products.
In the case of possible requirements or new models which were not enclosed in the present catalogue, please feel free to inform us.


Any reproduction forbidden in compliance with the regulation in force, even though partial, without the company specific authorization. Any misuse will be prosecuted.

Copyright © 2021 FM FILTER MONZA S.r.l.